March 26, 1027: Conrad II is crowned Holy Roman Emperor

Conrad was born in Speyer, Lower Lorraine in the Holy Roman Empire in the year 990. The Holy Roman Empire was created as a successor to the Western Roman Empire. Pope Leo III wanted to establish Catholic dominance throughout western Europe, in opposition to the Orthodox Christianity that existing in the Byzantine Empire. In the year 800, he decide to imbue the Frankish king, Charlemagne as the first Holy Roman Emperor, creating an institution that would exist for a millennium. In 962, the Saxon King, Otto I was elected as emperor, beginning a line of ethnically Germans that would occupy the imperial throne. Otto's daughter, Liutgarde of Saxony would have a son, another Otto. This Otto would have a son named Henry of Speyer who was Conrad father. This heritage would make Conrad a contender for the imperial throne.

In 992, Conrad's father died, and he moved to the imperial city of Worms. It would be here that he would receive his education. He also spent time in the imperial court of Emperor Henry II. Henry and Conrad became close friends. In 1016, he married Gisela of Swabia, a duchess who also had a claim to the throne. The marriage brought Conrad great wealth and prestige. Henry became concerned about about Conrad's rising star. In order to oust Conrad, Henry devised a plan. Since both Conrad and Gisela were descended from Henry I, Holy Roman Emperor, Conrad was technically breaking canonical law. Henry used this as justification to banish Conrad. In 1024, Henry fell ill and Conrad was invited back to reconcile with him.

When Henry II died in 1024, the German nobility met to elect an new Emperor. After three years of conferring and debating, the nobles elected Conrad. On March 26, 1027, Pope John XIX crowned Conrad II Holy Roman Emperor. He would rule until his death in 1039. He reign would mark the beginning of the Salian Dynasty of the Holy Roman Empire, which would last until 1125.


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